Prevent the experimental implementation of contents related to human sexuality within the health education program.
Affect the implementation of an unsuccessful public policy of reproductive and sexual health and rights of youth that the Government of Croatia has been implementing for over two years.
Ensure the implementation of a single standardized education program on human sexuality based on scientific facts and in accord with international conventions and treaties.


Prevent the experimental implementation of contents related to human sexuality within the health education program.

Citizens Coalition STOP HIGH RISK SEX EDUCATION regards the proposed modules on human sexuality for elementary and high schools in Croatia by Association GROZD as absolutely unacceptable. They promote attitudes towards sexuality and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases contrary to the principles of contemporary public health, as well as international and national standards of children's and human rights and gender equality. The analysis of the proposed modules has shown that topics covering sexuality ignore scientific facts and offer a value-based system which promotes sexual intercourse exclusively in the context of pro-creation and between persons of opposite sex. Furthermore, the program proposes a teaching methodology incompatible with contemporary recommendations for sex education.

Below is the translation of disputed parts of the modules on human sexuality offered by the Association GROZD:

Excerpts from the Experimental Health Education Program for primary and secondary schools offered by Association GROZD

Human sexuality and sexual education values supported by GROZD

The values of human sexuality are love, restraint and faithfulness .

Ratio amoris of human sexuality shows, simply and impartially, that human sexuality primarily represents a gift, above any action, i.e. the highest good that can reach its real purpose and fulfilment through the gifts of love between two persons of different sex.” (Page 10, Primary School, Three-Year Secondary School and High-School Program )

“…Human sexuality is primarily procreativity, above protection, i.e. a highest value that can achieve its true purpose and fulfilment in the mutual personal impregnation that creates new life, primarily the life of persons who are in love, and then also the new life they love together”. (Page 10, Primary School, Three-Year Secondary School and High-School Program )

“Restrain, as self-control, enables the creation of an important personal trait, i.e. a personal value for sexual life. It is the purity, primarily in the form of spiritual purity which is not governed by logic of arrogant puritanism or hidden hypocrisy, but by the logic of pure gifts of love between persons of different sex.” (Page 10, Primary School, Three-Year Secondary School and High-School Program )

“…Faithfulness is what makes the significant difference between man and other living creatures. It is primarily the faithfulness to oneself, i.e. to the specifically human in one's person. It is then the faithfulness to the other, i.e. faithfulness to the same – identically – specifically human in another person. Such faithfulness guarantees continuity, fosters trust, supports faith, nurtures confidence and enables credible life with other persons, particularly with the ones who express mutual love. (Pages 10-11, Primary School, Three-Year Secondary School and High-School Program )


“One should also not forget the major problem of unwanted teenage pregnancies and abortions (…) these consequences, since they happen in the physical aspect, often try to be prevented by prevention programs that focus solely on the physical (medical) aspect of sexuality. In most cases youth is advised to use condoms. However, condoms, just like any other contraceptive, do not represent a safe protection from pregnancy or sexually transmittable diseases, since they are caused by deeper causes and their consequences can't be solved on the surface, without entering the core of the problem. (Page 11, Primary School, Three-Year Secondary School and High-School Program )


“…when discussing certain issues of human sexuality, we recommend separate classes for male and female students”. (Page 20, Primary School, Three-Year Secondary School and High-School Program )

“Although they learn about both genders, male and female students do it in different scope and order. We therefore recommend that two groups are formed for the implementation of this module, one for male and one for female students”. (Page 20, Primary School, Three-Year Secondary School and High-School Program )

Civil Coalition STOP HIGH-RISK SEXUAL EDUCATION considers the following themes in GROZD's Program as unacceptably dealt with:


“Develop the ability to control one's sexual excitement and the capability to overcome the possible habit of masturbation.” (Page 73, Primary School Program; page 33, Three-Year Secondary School; page 33, High-School Program )

“Develop the awareness that masturbation represents turning to oneself of the part of sexuality and personality that is evidently meant to be turned to another person.” (Page 73, Primary School Program; page 33, Three-Year Secondary School; page 33, High-School Program )


“Realize there is no sexual relation that would be fully safe from pregnancy and sexually transmittable diseases (limited safety)”. (Page 76, Primary School Program; page 48, Three-Year Secondary School; page 48, High-School Program )

“Develop the awareness that the child represents the possible natural result of every sexual intercourse and that it is the responsibility of the mother and father”. (Page 76, Primary School Program; page 61, Three-Year Secondary School; page 62, High-School Program )

“Understand the difference of contraceptive and abortive impact of pregnancy regulation substances”. ( page 48, Three-Year Secondary School; page 48, High-School Program )

“Develop awareness that contraceptives change the essence of the sexual intercourse because they don't respect the complete nature of the relation between man and woman, which is complicated, yet fascinatingly harmonious.” ( page 59, Three-Year Secondary School; page 72, High-School Program )

“Knowledge about the fertility of man and woman as basis of respective natural methods for conception planning”. (Page 74, Primary School Program )

“Knowledge about the fertility of man and woman as basis of respective natural methods for conception planning; ovulation (Billings) method and symptothermal method”. ( page 59, Three-Year Secondary School; page 59, High-School Program )

“Develop the awareness that, when contemplating abortion, the solution that goes against life is never, and for no-one, the “only” or the “best” option”. ( page 62, Three-Year Secondary School; page 61, High-School Program )


“Develop the awareness that sexual intercourse represents the physical segment of one person's devotion to another and that using sexual intercourse for pure fulfilment of attraction makes a person less capable for real, original devotion.” (Page 75, Primary School Program )

“Develop the awareness that sexual intercourse in its nature consists of the component of union (mutual love between man and woman) and the component of procreation (creating new life)”. ( page 47, Three-Year Secondary School; page 47, High-School Program )

“Develop awareness about the fact that sexual intercourse represents the physical segment of one person's devotion to another and that it gets its full purpose in the complete relationship based on love between man and woman living in a lasting community of faithfulness (marriage).” ( page 49, Three-Year Secondary School; page 49, High-School Program )


“Develop the awareness that by gaining the habit of entering relationships with superficial and wrong motives, one loses the ability to establish a relationship based on deeper and real motives”. ( page 36, Three-Year Secondary School; page 36, High-School Program )

“Develop awareness that marriage and completely dedicated relationship by definition can not be “tested”. ( page 61, Three-Year Secondary School; page 62, High-School Program )


“Explore and determine the difference between homosexuality as a (normal) phase of development/temporary or lasting orientation/ behavior/ trend/image.” ( page 46, Three-Year Secondary School; page 46, High-School Program )

“Develop awareness that the homosexual intercourse stands against the very nature of the sexual intercourse”. ( page 46, Three-Year Secondary School; page 46, High-School Program )


“Develop the awareness that the reasons for divorce often lie in the wrong motives of entering marriage and in the bad predispositions of persons entering marriage, i.e. their inability for real love”. ( page 61, Three-Year Secondary School; page 62, High-School Program )

“Develop the awareness that the decisions on parenthood primarily rely on the list of life values of the parents and their readiness for love, and less on material circumstances, although they are often pointed out as the reason for a smaller number of children.” ( page 61, Three-Year Secondary School; page 62, High-School Program )

“Develop the awareness that their current behaviour and attitudes influence the predispositions for a successful marriage and real love.” ( page 61, Three-Year Secondary School; page 62, High-School Program )


Experimental Health Education Program



- Attention should be paid to the natural timidity that talking about sexuality causes at this age. Bearing this in mind, as well as the fact there will be the need for “sharing secrets” inside the same gender group, it is certainly advised to separate boys and girls when discussing physical changes that occur in puberty.


  1. Sex – sexuality (key terms: sex, sexuality, holism, stereotype ideas, attitudes)
  2. First signs of puberty (key terms: puberty, maturing, hygiene)
  3. My first information about sexuality (key terms: society, media, information)
  4. Relation towards oneself and others (friendship, sympathy, popularity, role models)

Anticipated results:

- acquire the terms sex and sexuality and the elements of human person/sexuality

- get acquainted with the physical changes taking place in both sexes in puberty

- note and recognize one's own sources of information on sexuality



  1. Reproductive system and processes (key words: reproductive system, period, nocturnal emission)
  2. My feelings, wishes, attitudes and behaviour (key words: one's own opinion, determination)
  3. The relation of the media and society towards sexuality (key words: attitudes, swearing, stereotypes, complexes)

Anticipated results:

- get acquainted with important facts on the reproductive system and processes in one's own sex and the opposite sex

- develop understanding of changes occurring in puberty and accepting them as normal

- develop the capability to recognize and critically judge the messages and stereotypes on sexuality in society and the media (e.g. swearing, beauty stereotype etc.)



  1. sexual hormones and processes (key words: sexual hormones, feelings, menstruation, spermatozoids) – recommendation: separate classes for boys and girls
  2. individual personality and identity (key words: differences, attraction, sexual identity, homosexuality)
  3. falling in love, love, dating (key words: falling in love, love, dating, responsibility)

Anticipated results:

•  learn about important facts on sexual hormones and process in both sexes

•  gain additional knowledge about one's physical changes, feelings and mood

•  develop the self-respect and awareness of the value of one's own body

•  develop the awareness of equal value and mutual completion of sexes

•  adopt and begin to understand the terms: role models, personality, sexual identity, homosexuality

•  advance in building the personality and identity as well as self-respect and respect of others

•  note the difference between state of being in love and love

•  note and evaluate the reasons and real meaning of dating and the meaning of responsibility and responsible behavior



  1. Female and male fertility (key terms: estrogen/progesterone, testosterone, ovulation/anovulation cycle, masturbation)
  2. sexual intercourse and insemination (key terms: sexual intercourse, insemination/conception, pregnancy, birth)
  3. importance of sexual education (key terms: first sexual intercourse, importance of sexual intercourse)
  4. contraception and sexually transmittable diseases (key terms: conception planning methods, contraception, sexually transmittable diseases)

Anticipated results:

•  adopt important facts about the fertility of woman and man, their different sexual reactions, sexual intercourse and insemination

•  build the feeling of admiration and respect towards the beauty and value of human life

•  develop the ability to control one's sexual excitement

•  recognize the real sense and meaning of the sexual intercourse in the context of a person's completeness

•  get informed about important facts about various contraceptive methods and sexually transmittable diseases

•  develop the awareness about possible unwanted physical consequences of sexual relations and the fact that there is no sexual intercourse fully safe from pregnancy and sexually transmittable diseases

Experimental Health Education Program




  1. adolescence – road towards maturity (key terms: sex, sexuality, completeness, maturity, adolescence)
  2. sexual organs, hormones and processes (key terms: hormones, sexual organs, menstruation cycle, sperm). Recommendation for methodic implementation – separate female and male students in two groups.
  3. relations between young men and young females (key words: state of being in love, love, dating)
  4. relation of media and society towards sexuality (key words: media influence, stereotypes)

Anticipated results:

•  adopt the terms sex, sexuality, completeness of an adult person, adolescence

•  learn how to recognize and follow the signs of one's own body (girls), emotions and feelings (all) and connect them with the knowledge on sexual hormones and processes

•  begin understanding why masturbation represents turning to oneself of the part of personality that is naturally turned towards another person

•  note the difference between state of being in love and love

•  ability to analyze the reasons and real purpose of dating and how current behaviour influences establishing a good quality relationship

•  develop the ability to recognize and critically judge the messages and stereotype views on sexuality that exist in the society and media



  1. psycho-social development (key words: anatomy, physiology, fertility)
  2. sexual intercourse and insemination (key words: sexual intercourse, phases of sexual intercourse, insemination/conception)
  3. contraception and sexually transmittable diseases (key words: methods of planning conception, contraception, sexually transmittable diseases, safe sex )
  4. purpose and meaning of sexual activity (key words: first sexual intercourse, one-night stand, abortion)

Anticipated results:

•  get acquainted with the phases of psycho-social development

•  develop the ability to recognize different influences on the development of sexual identity and analyze all aspects of the manifestation of homosexuality

•  learn more about sexual intercourse, phases of sexual intercourse, insemination and development and birth of child

•  recognize and understand the natural components of sexual intercourse

•  develop the ability to recognize the real meaning and value of sexual intercourse in the context of the completeness of relation between man and woman

•  build the feeling of admiration and respect towards the beauty and value of human life

•  adopt all relevant information about actual contraception methods and actual sexually transmittable diseases

•  develop the ability to recognize all aspects and consequences of sexual intercourse and understand the term complete responsibility



  1. signs of fertility (key words: knowledge about fertility, menstruation cycle, cervical mucus, insemination/conception)
  2. dating, relationship, marriage (key words: dating, relationship)
  3. discussion subject selected by students (1) (key words: children, trial marriage , abortion, adultery, divorce)
  4. discussion subject selected by students (2) (key words: promiscuity, reproduction technologies, pornography, prostitution)

Anticipated results:

•  raise the level of knowledge on male and female anatomy, physiology and fertility

•  adopt important facts about current natural family planning methods

•  develop the ability to evaluate the real meaning of dating and relationship as well as the moment when this meaning can be achieved

•  develop the awareness of the meaning and values of marriage as a lasting and faithful community founded on love, free decision, friendship and trust

•  develop the awareness that sexual relations gain real meaning only in a complete relationship based on love between man and woman in a lasting and faithful community

•  develop the ability to recognize the factors of success of marriage and the awareness of importance of communication in marriage/family and scale of values in life

•  adopt and understand the notion of responsible parenthood

•  develop critical thinking about attitudes on sexuality that exist in the society and media

•  develop attitudes and values dealing with all current topics related to sexuality and develop the ability to introduce these attitudes and values in one's own life


Experimental Health Education Program



Modules “Human Sexuality” for first and second grade of high school are identical to the respective modules in three-year secondary schools.



  1. signs of fertility
  2. dating, marriage
  3. What is marriage?
  4. discussion subject selected by students (1) (key words: children, trial marriage , abortion, adultery, divorce)

Anticipated results:

•  raise the level of knowledge on male and female anatomy, physiology and fertility

•  develop the awareness on benefits from knowledge on one's fertility in the context of knowing and understanding oneself in the context of implementation in the context of conception/pregnancy

•  develop the ability to determine the real meaning of dating and relationship and recognize the moment when that meaning can be achieved

•  develop the awareness of the importance and values of marriage as a lasting and faithful union based on love, free decision, friendship and trust

•  develop the awareness that sexual intercourse reaches its sense only as part of a complete relationship, based on love between man and woman in a lasting and faithful union



  1. Roles in marriage (key words: marriage, family, roles)
  2. What is responsible parenthood? (key words: children, responsible parenthood, conception planning methods)
  3. Discussion subject selected by students (key words: promiscuity, reproduction technologies, pornography, prostitution)

Anticipated results:

•  develop the ability to recognize and evaluate roles in marriage / family and factors of successful marriage

•  develop the awareness of the importance of the scale of life values, communication in marriage / family and the respect of other

•  adopt and understand the term responsible parenthood

•  adopt important information related to current natural methods of family planning

•  develop critical thinking about the sexuality-related attitudes of society and media

•  develop attitudes and values dealing with all current topics related to sexuality and develop the ability to introduce these attitudes and values in one's own life


The Coalition currently consists of 171 organisations, mostly non-governmental organisations including four networks (The Coordination of Children's Associations, The Croatian Women's Network, The Croatian Youth's Network and The Coalition for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights) and 237 citizens of the Republic of Croatia. Additionally, five organisations and 97 citizens of the Republic have given their support to the Coalition's goals.
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