Civic Coalition stop high – risk sexual education
The Coalition was founded on January 11, 2007 as a reaction to the decision of the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport to start implementing the Experimental Programme of Health Education proposed by the Association GROZD. Should this programme be approved by the Ministry of Health, its experimental implementation will start in the next school year in ten Croatian schools.
Civic Coalition STOP HIGH-RISK SEX EDUCATION regards the proposed modules on human sexuality for elementary and high schools in Croatia by Association GROZD absolutely unacceptable. They promote attitudes towards sexuality and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases contrary to the principles of contemporary public health, as well as international and national standards of children's and human rights and gender equality.
The analysis of the proposed modules (see our website has shown that topics covering sexuality ignore scientific facts and offer a value-based system which promotes sexual intercourse exclusively in the context of pro-creation and between persons of opposite sex. Furthermore, the program proposes a teaching methodology incompatible with contemporary recommendations for sex education.
Additionally, we find the Government's policy on sexual education completely unsuccessful both from the point of view of its results as well as the ineffective process of its design. We therefore advocate for the design and implementation of a public policy based on the principles of good governance which would result in a program founded in appropriate criteria for programs of sexual and health education.
The Government of the Republic of Croatia must take full responsibility for the design and implementation of an education program on human sexuality based on scientific facts and in agreement with national and international standards of children's and human rights as well as gender equality.
Sex education program should provide children and youth with comprehensive and accurate information as well as appropriate skills for responsible sexual behaviour based on freedom of choice, and respect and care for their own and their sexual partner's/partners' health.
The goals of the Coalition are:
- To prevent the experimental implementation of contents related to human sexuality within the health education program.
- To affect the implementation of an unsuccessful public policy of reproductive and sexual health and rights of youth that the Government of Croatia has been implementing for over two years.
- To ensure the implementation of a single standardized education program on human sexuality based on scientific facts and in accord with international conventions and treaties
The Coalition currently consists of 171 organisations, mostly non-governmental organisations including four networks (The Coordination of Children's Associations, The Croatian Women's Network, The Croatian Youth's Network and The Coalition for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights) and 237 citizens of the Republic of Croatia. Additionally, five organisations and 97 citizens of the Republic have given their support to the Coalition's goals.
Calition board:
Nataša Bijelić, Sanja Cesar i Amir Hodžić , CESI
Marina Škrabalo, Nives Miošić Lisjak, Anka Kekez – MAP Savjetovanja
Dražen Puljić, Mreža mladih Hrvatske
Sunčana Kusturin; Asja Zenko, Udruga Igra
Kristijan Grđan, Sanja Juras – Pravni tim Iskoraka i Kontre
Mirta Dagmar Muhić, profesorica etike i filozofije
Bojana Genov, Ženska mreža Hrvatske
Suzana Kunac, B.a.B.e
Maja Mamula, Ženska soba