Civic Coalition stop high – risk sexual education |
Excerpts from the Experimental Health education program for primary and
secondary schools offered by Association GROZD. This document, together with
the cover letter, was sent to international experts seeking their opinion on
GROZD program. See the document >>
The Coalition was founded on January 11, 2007 as a reaction to the decision of the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport to start implementing the Experimental Programme of Health Education proposed by the Association GROZD. Should this programme be approved by the Ministry of Health, its experimental implementation will start in the next school year in ten Croatian schools. |
Civic Coalition STOP HIGH-RISK SEX EDUCATION regards the proposed modules on human sexuality for elementary and high schools in Croatia by Association GROZD absolutely unacceptable. They promote attitudes towards sexuality and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases contrary to the principles of contemporary public health, as well as international and national standards of children's and human rights and gender equality. |
Excerpts from the Experimental Health Education Program for primary and secondary schools offered by Association GROZD |
The Coalition currently consists of 171 organisations, mostly non-governmental organisations including four networks (The Coordination of Children's Associations, The Croatian Women's Network, The Croatian Youth's Network and The Coalition for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights) and 237 citizens of the Republic of Croatia. Additionally, five organisations and 97 citizens of the Republic have given their support to the Coalition's goals. |
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